Thursday, October 22, 2015

They both have some special needs. However, their greatest need is a forever family!

Cherri Walrod
We are so excited to share with all of our family and friends that we are adopting two beautiful blessings from China. “Wen Bo”, the little boy just turned three and the little girl, “Min Na”, just turned four. They both have some special needs. However, their greatest need is a forever family! Without a family that will have no hope and no future.

Over the past three plus years, we have prayed that if God would want us to adopt another child that he would speak to our hearts and that we would be courageous enough to listen. Well God has spoken! He has broken our hearts for the fatherless children in China, given us a passion for adoption, and assured us with His indescribable peace. So it is with God’s calling that we are headed to China again!

When we adopted in 2003, 2006 and 2008, we were blessed with several adoption grants and a few loans to finance the process. This time, however, we want to honor God by doing it debt free! We have seen The Lord miraculously provide for our previous adoptions and for the adoptions of thousands of other adoptive families. The Lord truly does specialize in placing the lonely in families!

I heard one time that, God gives some the desire and not the means. For others He gives the means but not the desire. He longs to bring the two parties together to accomplish His purposes and magnify the blessings for all. It is the way His Body is designed to work.”

The total cost of the adoption is estimated to be $45,000. We are doing everything we can on our end to free up finances to put towards our cause and it has been amazing to see how God is already providing for us. We have been brainstorming and planning fundraisers like crazy! However, there is SO much more to do.

If you would like to be a part of our team, there are three ways that you can help.

1.) We need a prayer team: We need people who are committed to praying for our son and daughter, for their protection in the orphanage and foster care, their safe journey home and their transition once they are home. Since they are older, they have likely suffered more trauma and loss. They have also endured some surgeries and medical testing. We are asking you to pray that the Holy Spirit to please prepare their little hearts and Jesus himself will whisper peace into their young souls.

2.) We need a fund raising team: We need people who are willing to work at fundraising events, donate gently used shoes, participate in events such as dinners, organize and lead a fundraising activity on our behalf and help to spread the word about what we are doing!

3.) We need sponsors: We need people who have a heart for adoption and want to give to our cause to help place two orphans in a loving FOREVER Christian home.

We are so excited about what God is doing in our family and for our soon to be extra blessings. Thank you for taking the time to visit our blog, please visit again for updates. We appreciate each and every one of you!


Sunday, October 11, 2015

Puzzle Fundraiser!

This is our first EVER puzzle fundraiser and we are so excited about it! I've seen other adoptive families do these over the years and it SO INCREDIBLE to watch as the Body of Christ comes together to accomplish HIS purposes!

There is NO WAY we can do this on our own. We are humbled and grateful HE placed this calling on our lives. However, we are also humbled and grateful that YOU are joining us on this journey! We guarantee that you will be blessed beyond your wildest dreams when you follow as HE whispers to your heart.

Our first funding goal is $1,500 (or 150 puzzle pieces) by October 31. These funds will go
towards our initial home study fees. This is an invitation make a positive impact in the lives of
two children and join us in the work that God is doing. You may "buy" as many puzzle pieces
as you like or one hundred!  Each puzzle piece = $10 donation.

You can donate through the PayPal button in the right side margin or email me for our mailing address at THANK YOU!!

Here is what the completed puzzle will look like. When is is complete, we will put into a double-sided clear view frame and hang in the children's room. It will serve as a visual reminder to all of us how many people participated in helping to bring them home.

Your name and date added to each piece with each $10 donation.

Here are the first few pieces put together with the first donation.

James 1:22
"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says."

Monday, October 5, 2015

Fundraiser Kick-off Update-October 5, 2015

We had our first fundraiser kick off on Saturday at our local October city festival.  I had REALLY high expectations for this fundraiser.  My goal I set was to raise the first $2,500 we need to be fully funded for our home study.  I was seriously disappointed to say the least when we only raised about $150. 

Let me back up a bit and share a few thoughts:
1.  We need to raise a total of about $45,000 within the next nine months.
2.  It is generally better to break this large goal down into smaller, more attainable goals and $2,500 seemed like a good number to start with since it coincides with our home study costs. 
3.  I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that God will move heaven and earth to provide everything we need to completely fund this adoption.  It is no big thing for HIM. I’ve seen it before in our own lives and in the lives of other adoptive families.  He truly specializes in placing the lonely in families. 
4.  I absolutely LOVE it when HE steps in and saves the day and there is no human way to explain what just happened except that it was GOD. 
5.  Fundraising really stinks!  It can be a real bummer on so many levels.

So I was left with a little bit of self-pity, wondering why, disappointment and had to come to peace with it.  It is just such a deflating experience.
My parents were in town and spent the day with us at the fundraising booth.  They have a lot of wisdom and perspective.  Here are a few gems which they shared with me.  It is all about perspective and attitude of gratitude:

1.  It is $150 more than we had the day before.
2.  Remember when Jesus was about to feed the five thousand?  The disciples were fretting they didn’t have enough to feed the crowd.  However, JESUS had in mind ….something else that would knock their socks off! (or sandals, whichever)  So I chose to believe that HE has something else in mind.
3.  It was an absolutely perfect day to be outside and we got to spend it with our loved ones in a free country without fear of persecution. 

Sunday came and I decided to go ahead and “sow” most of our proceeds back to the church.  We came home from church to find a $50+ donation waiting on us!

Stay tuned to see how the Lord of Hosts will move and bring glory to HIS holy name throughout this process. 

It is not about us and what we are doing.  It is about bringing glory to HIM.

To God be the glory, forever and ever!


Why does adoption costs so much?

The short answer:
To insure that everything is done legally, ethically and with integrity. This requires the need of legal services from professionals both domestically and abroad. Since human trafficking and sex slave trade is at epidemic levels throughout the world, all of these professionals are charged with the task of making sure this does not happen in an adoption process. 

The buying and selling of children is strictly prohibited by international laws .

The longer answer:
In the right side margin, you should be able to see a complete listing of all of the fees and expenses for this adoption. As we go through the process, I will share more details about what each of these titles for the fees and expenses means and why it is necessary.  

I will also share a list of acronyms commonly used for an adoption from China. 
For example:
PA - stands for Pre-approval.  This is when a family submits preliminary information to the Chinese adoption authorities and asks permission to pursue the adoption of a particular waiting child.  Once a family receives PA, then they begin their home study if it is not done already and begins all of the paper chasing for the Dossier.   

Why are we adopting again?

The short answer:  Because HIS LOVE compels us.

The longer answer:  
It is my firm conviction is that as long as I have life and breathe in this body, I will do it ever it takes to serve the Lord ... Which for me means to care for orphans. 

We are ultimately placed here to bring glory to the Lord, and I believe this is just one way our family accomplishes that. 

Who am I, to sit here in the relative lap of luxury and these children have absolutely no hope and no future?  

While we are imperfect people and imperfect parents, at least they will have a hope and a future and the opportunity to come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

I will not sit here and do nothing! How can I NOT do something?

As Christians, we believe that we were put here on this earth for a purpose. We aim to live in such a way as to impact eternity for God’s glory. Without a family these children have NO hope and NO future. With a FAMILY, this little girl and little boy WILL HAVE HOPE and A FUTURE.

Matthew 6:19-21 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
