Tuesday, February 2, 2016

January Clothing and Shoe Drive Fundraiser

In January, I was able to find a semi-local recycling company to work with us for a clothing and shoe drive fundraiser.  We had so many people, friends, family, community members and folks we did not know get really excited about this fundraiser. With everyone's help, we rocked the socks off of this fundraiser!

So many of you have been excited to hear how we did.  The recycling company had to make three trips because we had so much stuff!  Drum roll .... the total weight was 10,890 pounds.  

The pay out per pound is better than we've ever done with other garage sale fundraisers.  It was work, but not nearly as exhausting and time consuming as the garage sales.

Besides, I don't think we can do anymore garage sale fundraisers ...at least not just our family.  My two main "pack mules" for the last adoption in 2008 are no longer available.  One retired from that job (Paul) and the other one (Landon) joined the military. He decided the military was easier than working for his mother! :)

We honestly have been so overwhelmed at how excited and vested so many people have become in not only this fundraiser, but our adoption process as a whole.

Thank you ALL from the bottom of our hearts.  We could never have done this without you.  I cannot mention all of your names here, but you know who you are.  Please know that we love and appreciate each and every one of you!

AND YES, We plan to have another clothing and shoe drive in April so start saving your stuff and tell all your friends.

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