Monday, July 25, 2016

Why Does Adoption Cost So Much?

This is the most common question we get. 

There is a short answer and a long answer. 

The short answer is that everything about the adoption process is intended to help reduce child abuse and trafficking.  Since these travesties are on the rise worldwide, more and more rules, regulations and systems have been put in place to help reduce the risk.  All of these things require the involvement of professionals on both sides of the ocean. 

For the long answer, let me use an illustration from real life.

Recently, my seventy year old mother had the battery pack in her pacemaker replaced.  This is was the same pacemaker she’s had for the last eight years.  It has worked like a charm and we are grateful to have it.  Without it, she would certainly die because she is completely pacer dependent, which means her heart will not beat on its own.  Not just a slow heart beat, but latterly nothing, nada, zilch!

When she got the bill, she called me to go over the itemization list for the bill.  The total for a simple outpatient, slightly more than local anesthesia procedure which only took 20 minutes, was over $21,000.  Not too bad, when you consider her life depends on it.  I was with her that day and personally witnessed top-notch expert professional care. 

Everything involved in the process was accounted for from that day.  From the gal who checked us in to the nurse who took us back to the prep room, to the nurse who started the IV, to the Cardiologist who performed the procedure, to the pacemaker experts, radiology, etc. it was all there in black and white.  We and her insurance company of course had not problem paying the bill because it was all legit, professional AND EXPERT care.

That is in contrast to her first pacemaker experience from eight years earlier.  She nearly died at the hands of “professionals” who were not experts.  Did you know there is a difference between experts and professionals?  Professionals may have the education and a degree, but experts are EXPERTS ….they not only have the education and degree, but they have the experience, knowledge and track record to prove it. 

Well it is kind of like that in the adoption world.  One can choose to run down the road of non-professional and unethical adoption practices or choose the legal ethical way which involves professionals.  If one would like an added layer of insurance, then you find the professionals who are also experts.  Each level of professionalism and expertise comes with added costs.  You may have noticed like I have that professionals and experts generally like to be paid because it is what they do for a living after all, right?

We can use another illustration from the medical world.  When someone has a baby, they expect to pay for all of the medical testing included blood test and ultrasounds, the doctors and nurses who take care of mother and baby up to and including delivery and thereafter. This whole process can easily top $30,000 and no one bats an eye.  Why?  Because the life of the mother and baby are worth it!  Most people are not willing to take a risk for substandard and sketchy healthcare.    

Why then are people so shocked that adoption cost range from $30,000 and up?  People somehow have the misconception that the adoption is a lucrative business endeavor.  What a joke!  There will always be bad press pointing out the one in a million cases where things have gone bad.  The in vast majority of cases, things do not go down this way. 

As I stated before, human trafficking, child abuse and the sex slave trade throughout the world are at an all time high.  Children’s lives are at risk and literally at stake!  Everywhere we look (if we are willing to look) we can see clear evidence of this.  Somehow people just don’t seem to think that an orphan’s life is worth thousands of dollars.  I cannot tell you how many times people have said to me, “They have so many of them you’d think they’d be happy to give them away.”  What?!? Are you kidding me!  Did those words just come out of your mouth?!?

Most adoptive families and adoption agencies are more than happy to share what all of the cost are and where they originate from.  Our family has always been very transparent with our adoption cost and how they were paid.

And just as side note, did you know that Asia has the largest number of orphans compared to every continent in the world?  Also, did you know that in many Asian countries, specifically China, children age of the orphanage system at age 14?  Yes, you read that right, age 14!  What do you think happens to all of those children when they are shown the door?  They are no longer able to receive an education.  How do you think they can support themselves and learn to be productive members of society?  Who do you think is ready and willing to offer them “employment”, housing and food?  Well, as a general rule it is the human traffickers and child sex slave traders.  I mean, why not, right?  It could not be a more perfect set up for them …young, innocent, vulnerable, desperate, hungry, homeless, helpless, hopeless. 

This just makes me so sick!  I literally get an upset stomach when I talk or think about it. 

So what is a child’s life worth?  Is it worth $30,000 plus?  Is it worth sacrificing and traveling to the other side of the globe to rescue that child?  You bet it is!

And here’s the another thing  …People say to me all the time, “Why would you do it?  It cost so much.  It is stressful. It is time-consuming.  It is so hard.  Isn’t there an easier or cheaper way?”  My response …. “Just because it is hard, expensive and time consuming does not mean it’s wrong.  Just because it is cheap, easy and free does not mean it’s right.  Most things in life that are worth it, are worth fighting for.”  Besides, God never said about me: “She cost too much. She’s too time-consuming.  She’s too difficult.  She’s just too stressful.”  NO HE DID NOT! And neither should we.  HE gave it all to save us! 

Can you see the light?  Can you see why this is so important?

Adoption is our ministry.  Yes, it is our lives, but it is our daily ministry.  Yes, it is right here in our home, but it is a ministry.  We are doing important kingdom work here.  This is our mission field.  Will you partner with us to bring these treasures home?

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